Word 2016 For Mac Selected Text Color Options

• • • • • These functions really breathe life into your drab black and white text documents. With a simple picture or chart, you can turn your term paper from meh to yeah! Luckily, there’s a whole range of ways you can add images to better illustrate (no pun intended) your point. We’ll wrap the lesson by changing gears a bit and discussing how to use more than one language in Word 2013. Images and Multimedia You don’t have to think of Word as simply a word processing program. It has requisite tools for doing some pretty nifty page layout.


Change Selected Text Color

While it’s not a feature-complete or robust as a professional page layout program such as Adobe InDesign. You can still get very professional looking results if you know what’s in your toolbox and how to use it. Pictures and Online Pictures Both “Pictures” and “Online Pictures” accomplish the same goal. The only difference is that “Pictures” means you can insert pictures locally, while “Online Pictures” allows you to insert images from an internet-based source such as clip art from Office.com, Bing, or OneDrive (formerly SkyDrive).